Interface of the request when call createPaymentConsent
# client_secret Optional
If the intent provided, this should be the client_secret of the intent
If no intent provided, this should be the client_secret of the customer
For `cardNumber` or `card` element, it should be required.
For `directDebit` element, you needn't provide it.
# connected_account_id Optional
It is to be used by the platform to indicate the connected entity in the transaction where platform is the owner of transaction.
# intent_id Optional
The intent_id that would be confirmed with the new created payment consent
# merchant_trigger_reason Optional
The reason why merchant trigger transaction. Only applicable when next_triggered_by is `merchant`
Record.<string, unknown>
# metadata Optional
A set of key-value pairs that can be attached to this PaymentConsent
# next_triggered_by Optional
The subsequent transactions are triggered by `merchant` or `customer`
# payment_method_id Optional
If customer already has a payment method, merchant could provide it instead of create a new one
# skip_3ds Optional
Set it to true if you want to skip 3DS regardless of the risk score and SCA. Only applicable when it's card recurring flow.